Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pinecone Fabulousness

All right, well Piper is on her 6th infection in 12 weeks, we are totally homebound, so prepare for a ton of fun at-home activities to appear on the blog. 
This week The kiddo's great grandma (GG) had back surgery so we decided to make Pinecone crafts to hang on the front door!

here is all you need:
Pinecones (any size, but I'd keep them all the same size)
Paper plates
Fun, solid colored ribbon

1.  Put a tablespoon (or so) of paint on each plate (I did a white, blue, green, red & yellow paint plates)
2.  let the kiddos roll a pinecone back and forth on one plate at a time
3.  Let them dry overnight on a piece of wax paper
4.  Hot glue different length ribbons on each of the pinecones
5.  Hot glue all of the ribbons together & punch a hole in the top
6.  Hang on your front door! 


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