Friday, March 5, 2010

Our first official non welcome to the blog, blog.

I wake up every morning to a happy 4 year old (yes for the last couple of years he has woken up every morning in a great mood!) who crawls into bed with me and immediately says in his super sweet tone, "Mommy, where is daddy? Because I really love him alot." This morning it got even "cuter", he hopped in bed and said, "Mommy, where is daddy? Because I really love him." and I said, "Daddy left for you, but you know what? I love you." and he replied, "I really love daddy."
Nice Tris, thanks for the love! ha ha ha

This has been a busy week, lots of client and potential client meetings with people who want to lose weight or are currently losing weight and getting healthy with Take Shape for Life. Today is the same story! I am meeting with a couple of people who want to get started with Take Shape and a new Health Coach. The cool thing is with this program, I can work from home so I can still have plenty of time to hang out with my son who really loves his daddy. :)

For those of you wondering what Take Shape for Life is, we are a free health coaching program, that utilizes MediFast food to help people achieve weight loss and optimal health. In the course of the last year that I have been coaching with Take Shape my clients together have lost over 6000 pounds! Holy moly, that is as much as a horse! WOW! This program is fantastic, in fact just this week:
Sue P: hit a loss of 50 pounds in 13 week
Samantha J: lost 12 pounds (this was her first week...gotta love water weight)
Brittany L: lost 6 pounds in 1 week
Kayla D: lost 4 pounds in 4 days
Lynnette C: hit a loss of 100.5 pounds since last summer

This is such an awesome program, if you or someone you know needs to lose weight or needs health in their lives contact me for 5% off of your order total, 2 FREE weeks of food, a FREE health coach (me!) and much more!
John & Amy Hardesty
Certified Health Coaches, #30015388
503.960.6856 (Amy)
503.933.3249 (John)

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm.. I could so see Kyra saying that in a year or so... she just doesn't have enough words yet.
