Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Learning to Move Forward

This month we will celebrate 7 months since our baby, Samuel, went to Heaven. This is also the month (the 8th of March) that Samuel was due. This is also the month (well, week to be more specific) that we will find out the sex of the baby we are currently pregnant with. We also celebrate the news that our friends who have been trying to get pregnant are now expecting. And friends we love so dearly who have been through so much lately, now have a great job. We also celebrated 6 years that John has been home safe from Iraq.

So much to be thankful for. Today I was thinking about how I could really let myself be sad that Samuel won't make his arrival this month, well not here on Earth anyway. But the fact remains that I am utterly grateful that when I take my last earthly breath I with meet the baby I didn't get to hold here! We get to be thankful that we have a life growing in me that is seemingly healthy and growing like a weed (so am I!). We get to be grateful that our friends will get to hold their beautiful baby in October. We get to celebrate with friends who have a job that will support their family and allow them to continue to move forward. I get to be grateful, that I am one of the lucky wives whose husband came home safe from Iraq 6 years ago and leads a normal life (well, some of you who know John might disagree :) ). Lots to be thoughtful about, grateful for & excited about this month!

1 comment:

  1. I'd agree with "semi-normal life" maybe. He is married to you, after all.
